Tuesday, March 10, 2009

NYS Sales Tax Online

Tonight we attempted to file the store's NYS Sales Tax on the nystax website. Hoping that this would save us some time in the future we did the usual online registration. It was annoying right off the bat with the username and password requirements, a max of 8 chars for username, and an 8 char requirement for the password (your password MUST be 8 characters??) along with the usual "must have a number" and "must not repeat characters", and "must not have any letters that exist in any spelling of a prime number". We were already miffed at this point so we hit the submit button and got the usual click here to login link.

So we went to login and typed in the login/password that we just registered, clicked submit, and got denied with invalid bla bla bla, with a warning about getting locked out. Thinking maybe we had to click something special to confirm in an email we went to check out email and sure enough nystax sent us a fancy email with... nothing of import in it. Well done NYS; so back to the nystax site we clicked the forgot password link to see if they would send us the password that WE JUST ENTERED.

The forgot password page comes up and you have to enter your username, email address, and a capacha. After entering these three I clicked the submit button and LOL, we got a 404esque page!

Needless to say we printed out the ST100 form and are filing the quarterly, yet again, on paper. Nice job NYS!


THE KELLOGGS Wed Mar 11, 10:37:00 AM  

Darrick, I thought I was the only one that would set up a password and seconds later it wouldn't work. You make me feel much better. Sorry you had to suffer for my sake. Your pictures are awesome. Keep snapping.

THE KELLOGGS Wed Mar 11, 10:40:00 AM  
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Darrick Wed Mar 11, 12:49:00 PM  


I forgot to add in this that I tried to create an all numerical password with 8 chars and they wouldn't allow that even though it never specified how many numbers you can have. NYS really messed it up, great use of our tax dollars guys!

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