ImageLab Instant Scanner vs. 2002 CanoScan D1230U
Recently I received an ImageLab Instant slide scanner as a gift and was very unhappy with the quality of the digital images that came out of it. I'm posting here a side by side comparison of the ImageLab Instant slide scanner and an old CanoScan D1230U at max resolution. The ImageLab scanners had such high saturation and contrast that you would really have to work on the images to get a decent file. Maybe it works better with negatives, transparancies certainly didn't produce very good digital images. The other issue with the ImageLab scanner is that it crops every slide. Apparently, the sensor isn't big enough to "scan" a whole slide. Needless to say I returned the ImageLab scanner. In each of the pictures the top photo is from the CanoScan, the hover image is the ImageLab scan.

Yeah, that is some over-saturation alright.
Yeah, luckily ThinkGeek let me return it. I'll stick to sending my slides to scancafe for now.
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