Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Day 214 - Thursday (Ostracized):
Today for lunch we went to the canal park to play with Oscar. These two dogs are a bunch of knuckleheads. About 1/2 way through playing I threw out a plastic water bottle for Finster to retrieve. I'm not sure who actually went to get it but it ended up along the shore about 20 feet away from the launch. Ivan and I couldn't go get it so we had to try to convey our intentions to our dumb dogs. We were able to get both Oscar and Finster in the vicinity of the bottle but neither would bring it back, or even pick it up. I was throwing rocks at it trying to get Finster to pick it up which only made Finster stick his head in the water to retrieve the pebble. Ivan was continually saying "Find it, Find it, Find it" which caused Oscar to stare at Ivan. Good times.

After lunch Finster got his own room on the other side of our office building (by himself) as we thought someone from NJ was coming for the afternoon. His plane got delayed so he never showed until after 6. Finster didn't seem to mind too much.


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