Saturday, August 19, 2006

Day 222 - Friday (The swimmer):
Man I'm behind. I don't remember what happened Wed or Thursday.

On Friday I had a meeting with my Financial Advisor (read Insurance Salesman). I brought Finster to this; we just met in an office on the other side of the building. Finster liked Brian, big surprise. He wiggled for a bit in front of him, then he laid down and napped while we chatted it up. He impressed Brian in his calm sleeping abilities :)

After work we went to my parents for a birthday party. Finster was so excited at the amount of people at the party. He greeted and slimed everyone. After this party we went to the inlaws for a corn roast. Finster thoroughly impressed everyone there. It was dark by the time we got there but this didn't stop Finster from heading straight for the pond. Without encouragement (me throwing a stick) Finster dove in and continued to swim laps for literally 30-60 minutes. He was just swimming in circles, although it's hard to tell because no one could see him in the water, just hear the splashing. We all started getting nervous so I got him out of the pond after maybe an hour. After he got out he proceeded to shake near Hiroko several times and roll around on the ground. He didn't really do too much after he got out of the pond, just walk around the fire and sniff stuff.


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