Saturday, August 19, 2006

Day 225-228 - (Monday - Thursday: Trip to Philadelphia):
I left on Monday morning on a plane to Philadelphia for a DevCon conference for work. E took Finster to the store every day with her. She loves taking him to the store mainly because it gives her someone to talk to when it's slow. She pretty much talks his ear off, but he doesn't seem to mind. I didn't hear any complaints from E through the week so it went pretty well. She spent almost every evening in the basement hanging out with Finster.

On Thursday E brought Finster to the airport to pick me up :) When I got in the car I got a barrage of licks to the neck, ear, cheek and eye ball. He was relentless! After the making out was finished he laid down and took a nap :) When we got home I gave E her gift (some chocolate) and then gave the pup his gift. I got Finster a full size soccer ball to play with. He LOVED it!!! I won it playing video games in Philadelphia at a corporate sponsored (FREE) event at Dave + Busters.


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