Thursday, February 02, 2006

Day 33 (Thursday - work):
This morning I woke up at 7 to play with Finster and noticed that he pooped and peed in his crate :(. Looks like I'm going to have to get up in the middle of the night again to take him out. A couple possibilities are that I fed and watered him too late (around 830, went to bed at 11). I think he pooped at 7pm and again at 9pm so I figured he was good for the night. So I had to wash up his crate and use the wet wipes to wash him off. I had a Dr. appointment at 845am so he stayed in the car for that. On the way in I noticed that he dripped all over his leg, thank goodness for the pee pad that I have in my car, and the puppy wet wipes. Today for lunch I went to U of R for some photography. It was a beautiful day out for February. I had the sunroof open and was walking around with just a long sleeve shirt on. Finster did pretty good as my photography sidekick. He attracted a bit too much attention though :). There were so many people stopping us to pet him, he was eating it up. He seems to be dripping more in his crate now than ever before. I have to wipe him down now every time he gets out and there is always a little puddle a few drops deep while he is sleeping. I found this on the net and it seems to be Finster's symptoms.

Work stuff: Started playing with NAnt and NDoc, interesting stuff.


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