Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Day 48 - Friday (Fun work day):
Friday was a pretty cool day. We had product day at work so we had webcast presentations pretty much all day. We also go some free Dino BBQ for lunch which always makes me happy. Finster got to attend his first conference call meeting in our conference room with like 8 other people. Boy did he get excited, so many people. I kept him on his leash of course and held him right next to me so he wasn't terrorizing the countryside. He calmed down after about 5 minutes of trying to get attention. The meeting was a bust anyways, someone on the conference call put it on hold so we got this annoying ringing for the whole thing. It was 30 minutes of trying to kick the person off who had us on hold. The rest of the day was a pretty typical work day. After work I wanted to get some photography done. The weather was decent all day, nice puffy white clouds with nice blue sky. The weather held until I got out of the car at the bridge I was assigned to. Then the snow and grey clouds rolled in as I put it in park, I guess I'm just destined to wait until spring.


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