Thursday, February 16, 2006

Day 46 - Wednesday (Work Work):
This morning was great! Last night I put his little sleeper in his crate and shortened his crate so it was smaller. He slept longer than I did. Straight through until I came downstairs! Today was nothing special. Schedule as usual. The morning went by without a hitch. Finster is great in the car now. He either looks out the window or sleeps. For lunch Finster just got a 10 minute walk, on the walk an old guy stopped his car (same old guy as about a month ago) and got out and petted Finster. This guy also has a black lab at home, his lab is an 80 pounder and the guy said mines going to be a 100 pounder because of his ginormous paws, woot. After the walk I went and did some photography. I shot the Ames street bridge for EA for about 25 minutes. I'm not happy with any of them. The day was kind of dreary and the surroundings suck. The grass is brown, the snow (what's left of it) is dirty and the buildings around the bridge are run down. The best thing for that bridge is to shoot it at night to hide all the ugly crap. I should go shoot it at like 3 am so I can get in the median without getting hit, that's about the only interesting way to shoot it.
For the 330pm walk Ron and Chris joined us. In front of one of the buildings in our office park a lady came out and started telling me how their office watches me and Finster run through the woods (their office is adjacent to the woods) and they he is a good boy. (chick magnet?) Then she called 2 other ladies out to see him. Finster of course went nuts and tried jumping all over them. Maybe today I'll put forth an effort to stop the madness.
During the evening I had to do some laundry in the basement. I let Finster run the basement while I did laundry. Of course he had his nose in the clothes and picked up a sock or two. Then I got the idea of putting some of his training to use. I pulled him off to the side, about 5 feet from the pile of clothes I was going through and told him to sit/stay. Wouldn't you know, the little guy stayed until I went back to him. Holy crap, I couldn't believe it actually worked while I was doing something interesting (to him at least). This is how I did most of the laundry with Finster off to the side sitting and watching me, what a good little boy. The rest of the evening was uneventful.


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