Monday, June 05, 2006

Day 153 - Thursday (The babysitter):
Today for lunch I got a call from an old friend to go to lunch. So we went to Arby's and got some wraps and took them to the park. Ivan and Oscar were there so I let Finster go play with them while we ate. I saw them playing fetch for a little while and then the went around the corner. Finster apparently went to the pond for a swim. About 20 minutes later they came back and Finster was good and wet!
After the park we got back a little early so I took Finster out for a little extra walk. We went back to the woods for a run around the trail. On the way back to the office Finster took a roll in something (some decomposing leaves most likely). So he came up smelling pretty horrible. I took him inside thinking it wasn't that bad, but I was pretty wrong. So I decided to take him to the canal in hopes that the water would clean him off a bit. Before we left we stopped off an Ron's office, in which Finster rolled on the carpet and stunk it up; well done my man.

I took him out of the office and to the park. This helped a bit and so he was a little more tolerable to be with. After work I suds'd him up again to get the rest of the stink off, which was somewhat effective; that stuff doesn't clean off so easily.

That night we watched in horror as the Sabres lost game 7 :(


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