Monday, June 12, 2006

Day 161 - Friday (Singing in the rain):
Today's lunch was rainy, windy and a bit cold. Due to the rain we hit the wooded 1/4 mile loop trail in the woods behind out office park. We walked that path for a solid 50 minutes. After about 10 minutes Finster picked up a 3'x1.5" stick and carried it around with him the rest of the time. We probably went around 12-16 times (3-4 miles). I love walking in the woods when it's raining, I feel like I'm getting away with something because I'm not getting wet :) There are 2 mud puddles right off the path that Finster enjoys splashing in. He's like a little kid when he sees the mud. He spashes down with his 2 huge paws and bites at the splash; and then puts his head in the water and bites at the water, I guess he's showing the water who's boss!

After work it was just Finster and I. We played outside for a while with his new favorite toy, a minurature soccer ball. He loves big balls for some reason.


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