Thursday, April 20, 2006

Day 110 - Wednesday (To the store):
This morning we went for a loop walk again. Finster has been picking up a piece of trash everyday. For the first 5 minutes he looks around for something to pick up, he doesn't stop until he's found something.

For lunch I have been practicing his lay/stay while I eat lunch. I want him to be laying away from me during a meal. Today he did great, he only got up 2-3 times while I ate.

For lunch we went to the park to play with Oscar. They scampered about for the hour with Finster attacking Oscar for about 5 seconds before he gets distracted by some bird stool.

After work we went to the store to put in some time. I tied him up on his screw in post, another thing he needs to practice with. He did great, sat there for the 2 hours that we were there without a single bark. I got the lawn mower running and mowed the lawn.

After job 2 we went home and played for a bit then to bed.


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