Monday, May 01, 2006

Day 120 - Saturday (We succumb to modern technology):
This morning we didn't go for a walk due to the fact that the cable guy was coming to install cable for us. Our plan is to get cable to save the environment. This is due to the Sabres having a good chance to make it far in the playoffs. By getting cable we don't have to drive to downtown Rochester (30 miles one way) to watch each game. They were so anxious to get us to sign up for cable they are giving it to us for 22.95 for a year for around 100 channels :) Our plan is to cancel cable when the playoffs are over, it should be interesting to see how easy/hard this will be for us. Finster and I got a lot accomplished this morning. The most interesting thing (Finster wise) was my introduction of Finster to his new home. I want to get Finster to get used to being under the deck. Our deck is a 12x12 and 15x15 foot deck (really 2 decks attached at differing heights), both of which are tall enough for Finster to walk around in. So in the afternoon I spent over an hour sitting under the deck, doing my homework, with Finster. Finster got bored and whined a little, but not bad. The boredom also drove him to chew on some of the left over deck wood, and dig a bit. I don't really care if he digs under the deck, but I don't want him to get used to being able to dig anywhere.

Around 4ish I went to the store and put up another used bookshelf. I left Finster in his crate for this. As I was working on the bookshelf E came home and mowed the lawn. She said Finster followed her around a bit, but the 3rd time she had to get off the mower to find Finster she put him under the deck for safe keeping; sweet, it's coming in handy already. When I got home the 3 of us went for a loop walk. I think it's fun going with Erica because she names all the plants while we walk. I think Finster finds this annoying because he has to continually stop as we smell the flowers :)

For the evening we tested out the cable. We didn't really find much to watch though. We ended up watching some random playoff hockey, some show about camels, and another show about dragons, pretty much all at the same time. I think Finster is getting used to us retreating to the livingroom at around 930-10, while he lays in the basement on his rug/blanket.


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