Monday, May 08, 2006

Day 128 - Sunday (Exhausted):
Today was a typical busy day. We didn't do the morning walk which turned out fine. At 11 Finster and I went to Baseball practice, my first of the year. I tied Finster to his screw in pole when I got there. He barked his head off while I was playing catch about 50 yards from him. After I warmed up I went out into the outfield. This shut him up completely :) must be out of sight out of mind. After about 45 minutes I came in and took BP. While I was warming up (within his sight) he barked his head off. Then when I finished up and went back out in the outfield he stopped :) Towards the end of practice he started barking again while I was in the outfield, maybe he had to go pooh or something. Eventually, I came in and let him off before we left. He went around and sniffed everyone, which didn't really amuse anyone.

After practice we went to the inlaws. When we got there I took Finster to go to the bathroom, he didn't go. I ate some lunch on the deck and put Finster's skills to use. I took finster off the deck and told him to "stay off" so that he doesn't come back on the deck. He didn't listen the first time but after I did it again he stayed off the deck while I ate :) He ended up playing with a coolwhip bowl after he drank all the water from it.

After lunch we went for a walk around the yard with the inlaws. Finster stayed with us as we wandered through the trees. About 1/2 way through he took off across the yard. I called for him to no avail. Then it hit me, he's off to go poop :) I ran after him calling him, trying to persuade him back to the deep weeds. He couldn't make it, and ended up dropping it off mid yard. After that he stayed with us the rest of the time attacking dandelions and random sticks. Finster had a blast in the pond. He ran in splashing and bouncing around. It was hilarious watching him play in it. Before we left a stay old beagle came into the yard. Finster kept trying to play with him but he got ignored. That beagle was quite tolerant, or deaf.

We went down to my sisters house later on to get my hair cut. Finster just wandered around the house and played with Cocoa (who was tied up) here and there.

Then to my parents house. By this time Finster was running low on gas. He didn't really play too much with their dogs. By the time we were ready to leave he was napping in the livingroom. When we got up to leave he got up and followed us to the kitchen. Apparently we took too long with our goodbyes so he tried to fall asleep in the kitchen too :)

He slept the whole ride home, and then when we got home around 8 he slept the rest of the night. No naps does a puppy in :)


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