Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Day 130 - Tuesday (Finster loses his manhood):
Today I had to take Finster in to the vet at 8am. We got up early and just walked a bit around the yard. No breakfast for Finster either, and he was quite disappointed about that. When we got to the vet's office he went around and greeted everyone. They love him there. He weighed in at 73 lbs. Then we went into the other room and Finster sniffed around. Then the vet came in and Finster wiggled until he smelled him. I think he remembered the last visit (shots), and he cowered behind me. So, he isn't a fan of the vet :(. The vet drew some blood for more tests to try to figure out what his dripping problem is. Finster did fine during this, he just looked away and sat there as I held his head. Then they took him in the other room and I left.

Finster made it through the surgery fine. When I went to pick him up at 6 I had a little talk with the vet. He showed me the results of the blood test and he was still baffled by the numbers. Some numbers were good, some were bad but nothing led to anything conclusively, so he took some X-Rays. He said he was entirely baffled by what he saw :( There was a big round lump thing under his stomach that he had no idea what it was, but he knew it wasn't something Finster swallowed. There were also so weird lines that he was also confused by. He recommended sending the xrays on to another doctor, that's pretty scary. Our other options are an ultra-sound, or exploratory surgery :( Man, neither of these options sound good.

So I took Finster home and walked around the yard a bit with him and hung out on the deck and basement with him. He was a little sore and tired, but other than that he was fine.


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